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Chart API ​

init(ds, options) ​

   ds: string | HTMLElement,
   options?: {
      layout?: Array<{
         type: 'candle' | 'indicator' | 'xAxis'
         content: Array<Indicator | string>
         options: {
            id?: string
            height?: number
            minHeight?: number
            dragEnabled?: boolean
            position?: 'top' | 'bottom'
            gap?: {
               top?: number
               bottom?: number
            axisOptions?: {
               name?: string
               scrollZoomEnabled?: boolean
      locale?: string
      timezone?: string
      styles?: string | object
      customApi?: {
         formatDate?: (dateTimeFormat: Intl.DateTimeFormat, timestamp: number, format: string, type: number) => string
         formatBigNumber?: (value: string | number) => string
      thousandsSeparator?: string
      decimalFoldThreshold?: number
) => Chart

Initialize a chart and return the chart instance.

  • ds container, can be dom element or element id.
  • options optional configuration items.
    • layout custom layout, content and options refer to the input parameters value and options in the instance api createIndicator. ^9.6.0
    • locale language, built-in support for zh-CN and en-US.
    • timezone time zone name, such as 'Asia/Shanghai', if not set, it will automatically get the local time zone, please refer to timezone list.
    • styles It can be the style name registered through klinecharts.registerStyles, or it can be an object, a list of styles, see styles for details, and supports increments.
    • customApi customize some APIs.
      • formatDate formats a date.
      • formatBigNumber format big numbers, such as 1000 into 1k, 1000000 into 1M, etc.\
    • thousandsSeparator thousands separator
    • decimalFoldThreshold decimal fold threshold ^9.8.0

dispose(dcs) ​

(dcs: HTMLElement | Chart | string) => void

Destroys a chart, once destroyed the chart will no longer be available.

  • dcs can be a dom element, element id or chart instance.

registerLocale(locale, locales) ​

   locale: string,
   locales: {
     time: string
     open: string
     high: string
     low: string
     close: string
     volume: string
) => void

Add a localization language. Charts have built-in zh-CN and en-US.

  • locale language name
  • locales language configuration

getOverlayClass() ​

(name: string) => Nullable<OverlayConstructor>

Get chart's overlay attributes by overlay name.

getSupportedLocales() ​

() => string[]

Get the localized language types supported by the chart.

registerStyles(name, styles) ​

   name: string,
   styles: object
) => void

Add a style configuration.

  • name style name
  • styles style configuration, refer to style for the type, support increment.

registerFigure(figure) ​

   figure: {
      name: string
      draw: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, attrs: any, styles: object) => void
      checkEventOn: (coordinate: Coordinate, attrs: any, styles: object) => boolean
) => void

Add a figure.

  • figure Basic figure information, see figure for details
    • name name, unique identifier
    • draw drawing method
    • checkEventOn checks if the event is on the graph

getSupportedFigures() ​

() => string[]

Get the basic graph type supported by the graph.

getFigureClass(name) ​

(name: string) => Figure

Get graph class.

  • name name

registerIndicator(indicator) ​

   indicator: {
      name: string
      shortName?: string
      precision?: number
      calcParams?: any[]
      shouldOhlc?: boolean
      shouldFormatBigNumber?: boolean
      visible?: boolean
      extendData?: any
      series?: 'normal' | 'price' | 'volume'
      figures?: Array<{
         key: string
         title?: string
         type?: string
         baseValue?: number
         attrs?: ({
            data: object
            coordinate: object
            bounding: object
            barSpace: object
            xAxis: object
            yAxis: object
         }) => object
         styles?: (
            data: object,
            indicator: object,
            defaultStyles: object
         ) => object
      minValue?: number
      maxValue?: number
      styles?: object
      calc: (dataList: KLineData[], indicator: object) => Promise<object[]> | object[]
      regenerateFigures?: (calcParms: any[]) => Array<{
         key: string
         title?: string
         type?: string
         baseValue?: number
         styles?: (
            data: object
            indicator: object
            defaultStyles: object
         ) => object
         attrs: (
            coordinate: object
            bounding: Bounding
            barSpace: BarSpace
            xAxis: XAxis
            yAxis: YAxis
         ) => object
      createTooltipDataSource?: (params: object) => {
         name?: string
         calcParamsText?: string
         values?: Array<{
            title: string | {
               text: string
               color: string
            value: string | {
               text: string
               color: string
      draw?: (params: object) => boolean
) => void

Add a technical indicator.

  • indicator technical indicator information
    • name indicator name, unique identifier for creation and operation
    • shortName short name for display
    • precision precision
    • calcParams calculation parameters
    • shouldOhlc needs ohlc auxiliary graphics
    • shouldFormatBigNumber should format large numbers. For example, 1000 is converted to 1k, 1000000 is converted to 1M, etc.
    • visible visible or not
    • extendData extended data
    • series indicator series, options are 'normal', 'price' and 'volume'
    • figures graphics configuration
    • minValue specifies the minimum value
    • maxValue specifies the maximum value
    • styles styles
    • calc calculation method
    • regenerateFigures method to regenerate figure information
    • createTooltipDataSource method to create custom tip information
    • draw custom drawing method

getSupportedIndicators() ​

() => string[]

Get technical indicators for chart support.

registerOverlay(overlay) ​

   overlay: {
      name: string
      totalStep?: number
      lock?: boolean
      visible?: boolean
      zLevel?: number
      needDefaultPointFigure?: boolean
      needDefaultXAxisFigure?: boolean
      needDefaultYAxisFigure?: boolean
      mode?: 'normal' | 'weak_magnet' | 'strong_magnet'
      modeSensitivity?: number
      points?: Array<{ timestamp: number, dataIndex?: number, value?: number }>
      extendData?: any
      styles?: object
      createPointFigures?: (params: object) => {
         key?: string
         type: string
         attrs: any | any[]
         styles?: any
         ignoreEvent?: boolean | OverlayFigureIgnoreEventType[]
      } | Array<{
         key?: string
         type: string
         attrs: any | any[]
         styles?: any
         ignoreEvent?: boolean | OverlayFigureIgnoreEventType[]
      createXAxisFigures?: (params: object) => {
         key?: string
         type: string
         attrs: any | any[]
         styles?: any
         ignoreEvent?: boolean | OverlayFigureIgnoreEventType[]
      } | Array<{
         key?: string,
         type: string,
         attrs: any | any[]
         styles?: any
         ignoreEvent?: boolean | OverlayFigureIgnoreEventType[]
      createYAxisFigures?: (params: object) => {
         key?: string
         type: string
         attrs: any | any[]
         styles?: any
         ignoreEvent?: boolean | OverlayFigureIgnoreEventType[]
      } | Array<{
         key?: string
         type: string
         attrs: any | any[]
         styles?: any
         ignoreEvent?: boolean | OverlayFigureIgnoreEventType[]
      performEventPressedMove?: (params: object) => void
      performEventMoveForDrawing?: (params: object) => void
      onDrawStart?: (event: object) => boolean
      onDrawing?: (event: object) => boolean
      onDrawEnd?: (event: object) => boolean
      onClick?: (event: object) => boolean
      onDoubleClick?: (event: object) => boolean
      onRightClick?: (event: object) => boolean
      onPressedMoveStart?: (event: object) => boolean
      onPressedMoving?: (event: object) => boolean
      onPressedMoveEnd?: (event: object) => boolean,
      onMouseEnter?: (event: object) => boolean
      onMouseLeave?: (event: object) => boolean
      onRemoved?: (event: object) => boolean
      onSelected?: (event: object) => boolean
      onDeselected?: (event: object) => boolean
) => void

Add a overlay.

  • overlay overlay information, see overlay for details
    • name overlay name, unique identifier for creation
    • totalStep total implementation steps
    • lock is locked to prevent dragging
    • visible visible or not
    • zLevel draw level
    • needDefaultPointFigure needs the default point figure
    • needDefaultXAxisFigure needs the default x-axis figure
    • needDefaultYAxisFigure needs the default y-axis figure
    • mode mode, options are 'normal', 'weak_magnet' and 'strong_magnet'
    • modeSensitivity mode sensitivity, only valid when mode is weak_magnet ^9.5.0
    • points point information
    • extendData extended data
    • styles styles
    • createPointFigures creates figures corresponding to points
    • createXAxisFigures creates figures on the x-axis
    • createYAxisFigures creates figures on the y-axis
    • performEventPressedMove special handling method for press and move event
    • performEventMoveForDrawing special processing method during moving event
    • onDrawStart start drawing event
    • onDrawing drawing event
    • onDrawEnd draw end event
    • onClick click event
    • onDoubleClick double click event ^9.5.0
    • onRightClick right click event
    • onPressedMoveStart press start move event
    • onPressedMoving Press and move event
    • onPressedMoveEnd Press and move end event
    • onMouseEnter mouse enter event
    • onMouseLeave mouse out event
    • onRemoved delete event
    • onSelected selected event
    • onDeselected deselected event

getSupportedOverlays() ​

() => string[]

Get overlays for chart support.

registerXAxis(axis) ^9.8.0 ​

  axis: {
    name: string
    createTicks: (params: object) => Array<{
      coord: number
      value: number | string
      text: string
) => void

Add custom x-axis.

  • axis axis info
    • name axis name
    • createTicks create ticks

registerYAxis(axis) ^9.8.0 ​

  axis: {
    name: string
    createTicks: (params: object) => Array<{
      coord: number
      value: number | string
      text: string
) => void

Add custom y-axis.

  • axis axis info
    • name axis name
    • createTicks create ticks

version() ​

() => string

Get the current version number of the chart.

utils ​

A collection of helper methods.

utils.clone(target) ​

(target: any) => any

deep copy.

utils.merge(target, source) ​

(target: object, source: object) => void

Merge one object into another.

utils.isString(value) ​

(value: any) => boolean

Checks if a value is a string.

utils.isNumber(value) ​

(value: any) => boolean

Checks if a value is a number.

utils.isValid(value) ​

(value: any) => boolean

Checks if a value is valid.

utils.isObject(value) ​

(value: any) => boolean

Checks if a value is an object.

utils.isFunction(value) ​

(value: any) => boolean

Checks if a value is a method.

utils.isBoolean(value) ​

(value: any) => boolean

Checks if a value is a bool value.

utils.formatValue(value, key, defaultValue) ​

(data: any, key: string, defaultValue?: any) => any

Get the corresponding value from a certain value, support nesting, such as const o = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } }, formatValue(o, 'a.b.c') takes the value of c .

utils.formatPrecision(value) ​

(value: string | number, precision?: number) => string

Formatting precision.

utils.formatBigNumber(value) ​

(value: string | number) => string

Format large numbers, such as 1000 into 1k, 1000000 into 1M, etc.

utils.formatDate(dateTimeFormat, timestamp, format) ​

(dateTimeFormat: Intl.DateTimeFormat, timestamp: number, format: string) => string

Format date. format, such as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'.

utils.formatThousands(value, sign) ​

(value: string | number, sign: string) => string

Format thousands separator.

utils.formatFoldDecimal(value, threshold) ^9.8.0 ​

(value: string | number, threshold: number) => string

Format fold decimal.

utils.calcTextWidth(text, size, weight, family) ^9.3.0 ​

(text: string, size?: number, weight?: string | number, family?: string) => number

Calculate text width.

utils.getLinearSlopeIntercept(coordinate1, coordinate2) ​

   coordinate1: {
      x: number
      y: number
   coordinate2: {
      x: number
      y: number
) => []

According to two coordinate points, get the slope and constant term of the line composed of points, namely k and b in y = kx + b.

utils.getLinearYFromCoordinates(coordinate1, coordinate2, targetCoordinate) ​

  coordinate1: {
      x: number
      y: number
   coordinate2: {
      x: number
      y: number
   targetCoordinate: {
      x: number
      y: number
) => number

Get the y-axis coordinate value of a point on the line formed by two other coordinate points.

utils.getLinearYFromSlopeIntercept(kb, targetCoordinate) ​

   kb: Array<number>,
   targetCoordinate: {
      x: number
      y: number
) => number

Get the y-coordinate value of a point on the line formed by the slope and the constant term.

utils.checkCoordinateOnArc(coordinate, arc) ​

   coordinate: {
      x: number
      y: number
   arc: {
      x: number
      y: number
      r: number
      startAngle: number
      endAngle: number
) => boolean

Check whether a certain coordinate point is on the arc.

  • coordinate coordinate point information
  • arc arc parameter
    • x the x-axis value of the center of the circle
    • y the y-axis value of the center of the circle
    • r radius
    • startAngle start angle
    • endAngle end angle

utils.checkCoordinateOnCircle(coordinate, circle) ​

   coordinate: {
      x: number
      y: number
   circle: {
      x: number
      y: number
      r: number
) => boolean

Checks whether a certain coordinate point is on a circle.

  • coordinate coordinate point information
  • circle circle parameter
    • x the x-axis value of the center of the circle
    • y the y-axis value of the center of the circle
    • r radius

utils.checkCoordinateOnLine(coordinate, line) ​

   coordinate: {
      x: number
      y: number
   line: {
      coordinates: Array<{
         x: number
         y: number
) => boolean

Check if a certain coordinate point is on the line.

utils.checkCoordinateOnPolygon(coordinate, polygon) ​

   coordinate: {
      x: number
      y: number
   polygon: {
      coordinates: Array<{
         x: number
         y: number
) => boolean

Checks whether a certain coordinate point is on a polygon.

utils.checkCoordinateOnRect(coordinate, rect) ​

   coordinate: {
      x: number
      y: number
   rect: {
      x: number
      y: number
      width: number
      height: number
) => boolean

Checks whether a certain coordinate point is on a rectangle.

  • coordinate coordinate point information
  • rect rectangle parameter
    • x starting point x-axis value
    • y starting point y-axis value
    • width width
    • height height

utils.checkCoordinateOnText(coordinate, text, styles) ​

   coordinate: {
      x: number
      y: number
   text: {
      x: number
      y: number
      text: any
      align?: 'center' | 'end' | 'left' | 'right' | 'start'
      baseline?: 'alphabetic' | 'bottom' | 'hanging' | 'ideographic' | 'middle' | 'top'
   styles: {
      color?: string
      size?: number
      family?: string
      weight?: number | string
) => boolean

Check if a certain coordinate point is on the text.

  • coordinate coordinate point information
  • text text parameter
    • x starting point x-axis value
    • y starting point y-axis value
    • text text content
    • align horizontal alignment
    • baseline vertical alignment
  • styles styles
    • color color
    • size size
    • family font
    • weight weight

utils.drawArc(ctx, arc, styles) ​

   ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
   arc: {
      x: number
      y: number
      r: number
      startAngle: number
      endAngle: number
   styles: {
      style?: 'solid' | 'dashed'
      size?: number
      color?: string
      dashedValue?: number[]
) => void

Draw an arc.

  • ctx canvas context
  • arc arc parameter
    • x the x-axis value of the center of the circle
    • y the y-axis value of the center of the circle
    • r radius
    • startAngle starting angle
    • endAngle end angle
  • styles styles
    • style arc style
    • size thickness
    • color color
    • dashedValue Dashed parameter value

utils.drawCircle(ctx, circle, styles) ​

   ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
   circle: {
      x: number
      y: number
      r: number
   styles: {
      style?: 'stroke' | 'fill' | 'stroke_fill'
      color?: string | CanvasGradient
      borderColor?: string
      borderSize?: number
      borderStyle?: 'solid' | 'dashed'
      borderDashedValue?: Array<number>
) => void

Draw the circle.

  • ctx canvas context
  • circle circle parameter
    • x the x-axis value of the center of the circle
    • y the y-axis value of the center of the circle
    • r radius
  • styles styles
    • style style
    • color color
    • borderColor border color
    • borderSize border thickness
    • borderStyle border style
    • borderDashedValue border dashed line parameter value

utils.drawLine(ctx, line, styles) ​

   ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
   line: {
      coordinates: Array<{
         x: number
         y: number
   styles: {
      style?: 'solid' | 'dashed'
      size?: number
      color?: string
      dashedValue?: number[]
) => void

Draw the line.

  • ctx canvas context
  • line line parameter
  • styles styles
    • style line style
    • size thickness
    • color color
    • dashedValue Dashed parameter value

utils.drawPolygon(ctx, polygon, styles) ​

   ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
   polygon: {
      coordinates: Array<{
         x: number
         y: number
   styles: {
      style?: 'stroke' | 'fill' | 'stroke_fill'
      color?: string | CanvasGradient
      borderColor?: string
      borderSize?: number
      borderStyle?: 'solid' | 'dashed'
      borderDashedValue?: Array<number>
) => void

Draw the polygon.

  • ctx canvas context
  • polygon polygon parameter
  • styles styles
    • style style
    • color color
    • borderColor border color
    • borderSize border thickness
    • borderStyle border style
    • borderDashedValue border dashed line parameter value

utils.drawRect(ctx, rect, styles) ​

   ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
   rect: {
      x: number
      y: number
      width: number
      height: number
   styles: {
      style?: 'stroke' | 'fill' | 'stroke_fill'
      color?: string | CanvasGradient
      borderColor?: string
      borderSize?: number
      borderStyle?: 'solid' | 'dashed'
      borderDashedValue?: Array<number>
      borderRadius?: number
) => void

Draw a rectangle.

  • ctx canvas context
  • rect rectangle parameter
    • x starting point x-axis value
    • y starting point y-axis value
    • width width
    • height height
  • styles styles
    • style style
    • color color
    • borderColor border color
    • borderSize border thickness
    • borderStyle border style
    • borderDashedValue border dashed line parameter value
    • borderRadius border radius

utils.drawRectText(ctx, rectText, styles) ​

   ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
   rectText: {
      x: number
      y: number
      text: any
      width?: number
      height?: number
      align?: 'center' | 'end' | 'left' | 'right' | 'start'
      baseline?: 'alphabetic' | 'bottom' | 'hanging' | 'ideographic' | 'middle' | 'top'
   styles: {
      style?: 'stroke' | 'fill' | 'stroke_fill'
      color?: string
      size?: number
      family?: string
      weight?: number | string
      paddingLeft?: number
      paddingTop?: number
      paddingRight?: number
      paddingBottom?: number
      borderStyle?: 'solid' | 'dashed'
      borderDashedValue?: number[]
      borderSize?: number
      borderColor?: string
      borderRadius?: number
      backgroundColor?: string
) => void

Draw text.

  • ctx canvas context
  • rectText text parameter
    • x starting point x-axis value
    • y starting point y-axis value
    • text text content
    • width width
    • height height
    • align horizontal alignment
    • baseline vertical alignment
  • styles styles
    • style style
    • color color
    • size size
    • family font
    • weight weight
    • paddingLeft left padding,
    • paddingTop top padding,
    • paddingRight right padding,
    • paddingBottom bottom padding,
    • borderColor border color
    • borderSize border thickness
    • borderStyle border style
    • borderRadius border radius size
    • borderDashedValue border dashed line parameter value
    • backgroundColor background color

utils.drawRectText(ctx, rectText, styles) ​

Same as utils.drawRectText(ctx, text, styles), it is deprecated and will be deleted after v10. Please use utils.drawRectText(ctx, text, styles) instead.